


Let’s put on our shoes together


#Japanese culture #Japanese language  #Parenting

This time, we will focus on the theme of observing the rules of group life. In particular, we will focus on the importance of having a neat and tidy environment, and on the importance of having a neat and tidy set of clothes.
There is a saying that the first step of discipline is to start with the training of theshoes , and even for the training of theshoes , Japanese etiquette is an indispensable and important norm for developing the “heart” of the Japanese people.

The discipline of matching footwear has several effects.
The first is the awareness that one can take care of oneself. Even a two-year-old can do this. By doing it every day, they will develop a sense of autonomy to do their own things and clean up after themselves.

Make them aware of the beauty of tidiness. Especially when they put their shoes in the shoe box, whether it is their toes or heels, they are aware of how beautiful they look to others, which leads to a sense of consideration for others. It would be wonderful if it develops into tidying up the entrance and helping with cleaning.

If you can help your friends and family members to straighten up their kimonos, it will lead to a sense of service to others. This will also help you to relate to other people and be pleasant to be around.

The feeling of having a good pair of shoes will calm the mental disorder, and prevent the heels of the shoes from knocking, or the heels of the shoes from being worn in a rough or abusive manner.

There was once a great man who said that when he was a child, he was disciplined by his mother to only put on his shoes in the same order. I would like you to know how much of an impact you can have on the growth of a child’s character if you can ensure that even just one thing, such as the wearing of the right clothes or the disciplining of the right clothes, is done every day.  

Although it is something that anyone can do if they want to, it is probably something that no one has ever done. Please don’t think of it as trivial, but rather, let your young children start with what they can do, and make sure they do it every day. I am sure that it will brighten up your home and change your child’s behavior.

Bear Child Education Academy


English is okay too.

